Pure Ruin Out Now
Happy Holidays everyone. Since the holidays traditionally tend to be smothered with joy and cheer, here’s some very unjoyful music to tip the scales back to equilibrium. Balance is important after all. Pure Ruin is a rather dark and sinister record that I created this fall. Inspirationally, a relationship had just fallen apart and I was given a distortion by my dear friends, Stephen and Kris of Noise Engineering, called the Pura Ruina. You could say there was a serendipitous synergy between those two events. They invited me to do a modular synthesizer performance the day after I was in utter hell and the seeds of Pure Ruin were created during that. The next morning I turned the modular synth back on and it was still entirely patched from the previous night’s performance and I thought “You know what, I might be on to something here.” 3 days later Pure Ruin was finished and here we are now. It’s heavy and brooding, cinematic, yet also rather beautiful.