Metaphysical Out Now
I’m proud to announce my new sample library, Metaphysical. The seeds for this library were created during the production of my forthcoming album, Dichotomy, and I must admit it’s exciting as it balances the esoteric with the accessible, as it does electronic with acoustic. For those who want to just get on with it and check it out, listen to a demo, etc…, you can find more info here:
And watch a teaser here:
For those who would like to read a bit about the process and ethos of Metaphysical, read on below…
What at first started off more traditionally for me in terms of highly processed modular synths and field recordings soon evolved beyond that as my own personal composition methods were evolving as well. First entered a piano, and as a total novice in terms of piano recording technique I somewhat blindly had to discover how I could get the sound in my head out of it. It ended up being rather untraditional in that I found I preferred the sound of two mics only about an inch away from the felt on the piano, and to play softly so that the piano hammers themselves became more audible and percussive. This has become a source of far more than simple piano performances. The percussion used in the beginning of “Isn’t It Lovely” is in fact the piano being struck.
Next entered a cello, and while I’ve been an avid guitarist for 20+ years now, cello was a whole new universe. My very poor bowing technique yielded some wonderful unintentional harmonics, and layered with many takes of it a beautifully lush ambient bed was born. More traditional uses of the cello can be found in the …and so on surrender EP, which was really the proving grounds to me in terms of “Can I actually make this work?!” Evidently I could.
Next step was a trip to Home Depot and $20 later came out with a 5 gallon bucket, tin pails, and a chain to make some percussive instruments out of. 3 different tracks were born out of those initial recording sessions almost immediately. It’s amazing would you can come out of a hardware store with just a few bucks in your pocket, not to mention the overwhelming feeling of manliness for going into a hardware store to build things. “Real Men” build things. It’s nice to feel like a part of that archetype every now and then. These new percussive friends were hit with drum sticks, mallets, brushes, broomsticks, hands, and even bowed. Eventually a snare and a high hat also arrived and the chains (as well as a print out of Disney’s Alice) were begging to be wrapped around them as well. An homage to NIN if you will.
The recording chain for all of the acoustic instruments was a stereo pair of Neumann KM184’s going into a pair of Heritage Audio 73jr preamps, which are essentially spanish clones of the Neve 1073’s from the 70’s that Neve no longer makes. They even have the same Carnhill transformers inside. Beautiful, beautiful preamps. The synthetic elements, as well as various snaps, claps, and shakers, were also tracked through the 1073’s. As usual there was a fair amount of post processing, both with guitar pedals, Eventide units, and the abyss of DSP living within the studio computer, and then hyper edited down into loops and hits.
I don’t think it’s out of bounds to say that there are sounds within Metaphysical that you won’t find in any other library, especially one targeted towards electronic music producers. The FX folder has a number of samples that are similar to the one’s I’ve had licensed to the trailers of films such as Blade Runner 2045, Deadpool 2, and Mad Max: Fury Road. It’s pretty intense sound design at times.
I’m also releasing this totally independently as opposed to the modern day itunes-esque sample platforms. While we tried that out the last time around, it’s nicer to have a more direct relationship with all of you. On top of that, to follow the While She Sleeps T-Shirt thought process, 1 sample pack purchase equates to 5,000 streams on Spotify, so buying direct is graciously appreciated.
Metaphysical is available exclusively at
As always, thank you for the support. I’d love to hear how these samples are used within your own work, so please don’t hesitate to send us links to contact(at)
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